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we journey together into the depths of you.

Somatic Alchemy (previously known as Somatic Depth Therapy) is a unique and revolutionary approach to somatic psychotherapy. Through the lens of depth psychology, we honor your body and my body as conscious, active participants within the container. Together, we listen to the various parts of you, that may have been trying to communicate with you, through your dreams, physical sensations, thoughts, discomfort, pain, and emotions. Your body is a living, breathing library of all your stories and experiences. All that we need for the healing process already exists within you. We simply need to listen deeply, and respond consciously.


When we spend time talking about our issues, we may understand why we behave a certain way. Yet, we may find it challenging to change our behaviour or decisions. This is because there isn't a sense of somatic safety for us to explore new pathways. The old circuity remains, even though we know it no longer serves us, or harm us, but it is the only one we know. 


Somatic Alchemy illuminates and opens new pathways of possibility within us: through the body, the mind, and the Spirit. We surrender to the unknown to embrace the body's innate wisdom. At a physical level, we release stagnant energies and dis-ease within the body through somatic movement and practices. At a mental level, we enter an altered state of consciousness to retrieve the various parts of ourselves that may have been disowned, abandoned, or exiled. From a spiritual and quantum approach, we use the potent technology of light codes (mantra, light language activation and vocal alchemy) to calibrate our energetic field to bring us back to a sense of wholeness, abundance and complete remembrance of who we are - our original Soul's blueprint, our existence in the unified field of consciousness.


Somatic Alchemy is a deep journey of transformation, entering the inner world of the unconscious, where our deepest treasures await us. Here, we meet with our raw, authentic, primal power, and unique Soul's gifts. When we reclaim these aspects of ourselves, we transform, we heal, we grow and evolve. It is a beautiful, raw, alchemical process of death and re-birth within each session.



  • Love and Relationships

  • Sex, Pleasure, Intimacy

  • Money and Wealth


When you feel fully ready to enter this portal, to really meet yourself, expect quantum growth, deep transformation, and a journey of evolution toward Self-mastery.


I serve clients globally.

All sessions are facilitated over Zoom.

60 mins/session



Who is this for?

Somatic Alchemy is transformational for anyone desiring to reconnect with themselves, feel safe in their bodies, to live empowered, abundant, and purposeful lives. 

How often should I go for sessions?

Once a week is encouraged to maintain a steady cadence of building a safe container to investigate the deeper work of your inner world. While there isn't a recommended number of sessions, eventually you will be able to be a self-witness to take yourself through the process, which is the ultimate goal. At the same time, there is power in having a witness, and that is who I am for you. When we are witnessed, there is a steady support that offers us the safety to go deeper within ourselves.

How does this impact my life?

By knowing ourselves, we become more conscious, aware, and embodied humans. This shifts how we show up and express in relation to ourselves and our relationships, including creating and maintaining safe boundaries. When we are empowered with the infinite knowledge and wisdom of the body, we act and move from a place of our personal power, to live a life that feels aligned to who we are intrinsically.

What should I do to prepare?

For each session, bring a journal and a bottle of water. Plan for 15 mins before to clear of distractions so that you can be present in the process.

What should I expect post-session?

The work may be stimulating, so it is encouraged that you buffer for down-time with yourself to unwind and integrate before any immediate external engagements.

Where can I learn more?

Arrange for a Zoom call for a complimentary consultation or to ask more questions here.
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