
I dream of a world where every soul feels safe in their authentic truth, where each person feels seen, accepted, and free to be who they truly are. Self-discovery is a powerful path that brings deep healing and understanding. The more we learn who we are, the more we are able to unconditionally love and accept ourselves, allowing this love to naturally extend to others.
In our work together, you'll embark on a journey of healing, growth, and transformation, through the remembrance of who you truly are.

Soma, from the Greek word for 'living body,' is where healing and transformation begin. By listening to our body, we tap into a deep wellspring of wisdom and knowledge. Embracing our embodied experience enhances our physical, mental, and emotional well-being, allowing us to fully be an active participant of life.

Psyche represents our unconscious mind. It holds our shadows—parts of ourselves we may feel ashamed of, have ignored, or denied. These shadows communicate with us through our dreams, imagination, and bodily sensations, seeking healing and acceptance. Integrating our psyche helps us achieve balance, fostering harmony between our conscious and unconscious selves.

Alchemy symbolizes the process of transformation, traditionally turning base matter into gold. In psychology, it signifies the exploration and integration of our unexplored parts. By embracing and transforming these shadow aspects, we use our soma and psyche as vessels for healing, growth, and transformation. This journey allows us to deepen our relationship with ourselves, others, and the world around us.