Inner Child
There exists within every single of us,
a little one,
our inner child.
The one who sees the world with hope,
innocence, curiosity,
boundless joy.
The one within us who is unstoppable and
maybe a bit of a riot.
Beguiling and beautiful.
Enchanted by the magic,
the miracles, the mystery
all around us, in every moment.
The one who remembers Love.
Whose pure essence is Love.
Whose Beingness is Love.
This is the part of us that we have to fiercely be protective of.
To love, nurture, and be with.
To play with.
A child’s role is to play, to shine,
to be lost in timeless dimensions,
over and over again.
Our role is to protect their innocence,
from harsh critics and judgemental beliefs.
Our role is to Love our child.
To let them be a Child.
To be a guardian of this eternal state of Childhood.
Where it is safe to play, to fall, to laugh, to love.
To ask questions.
To follow our insticts and impulses.
To exist.
Our role is to create a safe sanctuary
for our inner child to exist in.
To grow. To learn.
To Be.
As adults, it is easy to forget the existence of our inner child. We get busy, the (endless) practical tasks of everyday gets on top of us. An invisible clock breathes down our neck. There is never enough time, and the list of things to do gets longer and longer.
There is not a moment to stop for a breath.
What more to care for a child that we don’t see?
We don’t even have enough time for ourselves.
What happens then, when we neglect our inner child?
We begin to forget joy.
We dismiss pleasure as frivolous.
Excitements as distractions.
Innocence as naivety.
Fun as time-wasting and unproductive.
Playfulness as immature and childish.
We may feel that these pursuits are trivial and futile.
However, what if these moments, these emotions and experiences
are, in fact, pointers to a fully-lived life?
A life we love.
A life we are brave enough to enjoy.
A life that actually gets us out of bed (excitedly) in the morning.
A life that fulfills us deeply.
It begins here.
With Knowing and developing a
rich, intimate, loving
relationship with the Little One.