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The Nature of Growth

When I was younger (read: more impressionable), the idea of growth had excited me. I felt an immediate, enthusiastic "yes" to whatever opportunity presented itself, no hesitation. It was fun, inspiring, and full of mystery.


What would I learn? What would I discover about myself? How would I feel meeting my edges this time?


I loved it. I thrived on the challenge and the experience of my mind expanding with each new insight, like an unseen part of the infinite canvas of Life got colored in. Wild!


This year has felt like the epitome of that—a series of roller coaster rides (the kind I’d usually avoid). Over, and over, and over again. At double speed.


What. A. Ride!!!


All areas that could possibly shake up, shook.


The direction of Soma Psyche Alchemy. The branding, the offering, the evolving purpose.

My physical, geographical Home in the world.

My relationships.


It definitely felt like a bootcamp, with the influx of situations and experiences, forcing me to grow, to level up, by anchoring deeper and deeper into myself—my faith, belief, and my relationship with Spirit.


It wasn’t fun!

But it has been necessary.

Painfully so.


The areas that had been my constants, that had previously offered me a sense of purpose, place, and peace, were suddenly changing before my very eyes.


Because of me.


I was responsible for all of the changes. I could’ve stayed put. It would’ve been so much more comfortable to stay put, with everything just as it was. Why change something when there was nothing 'wrong' with it?


Except, these areas of my life were aligned—until they weren’t any longer.


Knowing, accepting, and then taking action has been such a trepidatious journey.Because there was nothing inherently 'wrong’.I just knew it was time.A sense that it was no longer in alignment.


A parting was necessary. A change was inevitable.


Every day that I had put this off (and I did), continuing the cycle past its expiry, the messages from my body grew louder. I was anxious – a lot of the time.Restless. Sleepless. Antsy.


The seat I was in was burning – demanding that I leave.

Because there wasn’t alignment anymore.It wasn’t truthful to continue the status quo.


I resisted. So much.


Until I surrendered. Boldly, or brazenly, I moved the metaphoric jigsaw pieces of my life. Because it was the truthful thing to do.


And this year, for the most part, I was tending to the impact of these shifts internally.Again, it wasn’t easy!


However, what all the moving parts revealed to me was that where I had leaned for safety, steadiness, purpose, and identity were all illusions. I had become reliant on these areas of perceived safety, where I thought I had some sort of control through the comfort and familiarity.


So the greatest gift I’ve had received this year, through the series of non-stop roller coasters, has been to develop a steadier sense of safety within myself—through an ever-deepening trust in Spirit.


No matter how dire the situation feels, I know that I am always supported.It only seems dire because I forget how supported I am.


When I am busy freaking out, it is hard to feel this invisible, intangible support.This is where the resources come in:

journaling, breathwork, nature, meditation, connections.


They bring me back, immediately, to the Present.

Collapsing all images of the past and worries of the future into one moment—this moment, Here and Now.


In this immediate moment, I literally feel the support.

I remember that I have always been – the unfolding of my life has evidenced this innumerable times.


And truthfully, all that matters, all that’s real, is this very moment.

When I fully expand into it, fully receive it, I remember just how abundant I am, in every way.

In Love, in connections, in knowledge, in practices, in friendship, generosity, and money.

In experience, in gifts, in wisdom.


All of these are so quickly forgotten when I am occupied with worry and questioning my decisions.

It’s also where The Magic (Rhonda Byrne) came in, at such a perfect time.

When I opened and closed my day, every day, with a list of 10 things I’m grateful for, I was immediately brought back to the present.

I am immediately reminded of how supported I am.

How safe, and how secure.



This is the story, the experience, through the year thus far, that has inspired my offerings to be Pay-In-Truth.


I’ve sat with this for some time before making the shift from a dollar value to an open, truthful, and honest invitation—wondering if I’m a bit nuts to make such a statement.


Self-doubt creeping in, “Are you sure about this? What does it say about the value of your work?”

Within myself, I do hold immense reverence for these offerings. I love them, I love holding space and letting them come through. I believe so deeply in them, and I want to share them–widely.

This new way of living, experiencing life, ourselves, and relationships.


The generosity and support that I have received throughout my life has inspired this.It feels like a commitment to deepening my relationship with Spirit, faith, and trust.


It is also an experiment, and I don’t know for how long I will do it for, in all honesty.

But for now, in this very moment, it feels truthful, aligned, and right.


So here goes! My 1-1 alchemical containers—a heartfelt invitation for you to participate and co-create with me in this season of your growth, healing, and transformation. Your embodiment of who you truly are. Your journey of remembrance of your wholeness, your divinity.


Somatic Alchemy

A beautiful journey of love, safety, and intimacy with your body and soul, for the purpose of healing and self-discovery. The ultimate coming Home to yourself, through your Body.


Cosmic Conversations

Intuitive guidance empowering you to navigate life with clarity and purpose, revealing unconscious forces and motivations through a detailed reading of your energetic field.


Frequency Medicine

Quantum energy healing using sacred geometry, light, sound, and vibration to clear blocks and restore balance across all levels of your Being.


I am humbled and honored to be your guide along this journey of life and its timely transitions.I look forward to walking this path of Love, Wisdom, Truth, and Beauty with you.


From my heart to yours,



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Awaken your Spirit.
Remember your Magic.

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